6000 children, 20 types of educational programmes, 6 kids clubs “At SCHUBZ I learned that they are all different and all have their purpose in life. Every plant has its role.” As the children from the Seeds of Science Club told us, this year we have followed our own purpose, we have continued to explore […]
Meeting of the 10 wildlife clubs
Within the EDUWILDLIFE project we have 10 wildlife clubs throughout the country. From Râșnov to Hateg, Brașov, Săvârșin, Vrancea, SânPetru, Zărnești, Mercheașa, 10 children, who represent the clubs, arrived at us at the Schubz Center. We met to meet and prepare for the Living with wolf, bear and lynx Conference in Loccum, Germany. The main […]
2018 Annual Report
We are happy to announce that we have finalized the 2018 report. It was a Year of Connectivity and Action in which we have developed education for sustainable development every day. ,, The activities developed in the framework of the cooperation with SCHUBZ Centre generated enthusiasm, were nice and motivating for the children. They acquired […]
First Wildlife Club in Rasnov
This Jannuary we held the first meeting at Schubz Center în Rasnov, as a „Wildlife Club”, together with a group of teens studying tourism at the local High School. This opens a series of twice a month meetings commited to understanding the life and role of large carnivores in nature. We will reflect upon the […]
Living with Wolf, Bear and Lynx
International Educational Campaign for kids launched in Romania The population of wolves, bears and lynx are recovering all over Europe. The Environmental Education Centres from Germany and Romania are dealing with the role of large carnivores in Europe. A delegation of 30 experts from both countries is coming together in Râșnov these days for expert […]
Project EDU-Wildlife
Project: EDU-Wildlife – International Educational Work for young people on the return of wolves, bears and lynx Coordination: SCHUBZ Environmental Education Centre Lüneburg; Coordination in Romania: Mioritics Association. Objective: Young people in Lower Saxony and Romania are concerned with the coexistence of humans and large carnivores in Europe. This results in multilingual educational materials (German, […]
Journeying in joy with over 3000 children!
Journeying in joy with over 3000 children these represent a part of our activities between January and September 2017. Download more info: Newsletter 2017_English.compressed.
Opening to the World – A Special Week
After a year of debating, experimenting, learning and testing ideas, methods and programs, it was about time that we open the gates of the SCHUBZ center to share our ideas with the rest of the world. This October we had a whole week of events promoting education as we want to offer it for the […]
We are Open! – Official Opening of SCHUBZ Romania
On the 18th of October 2016 we are welcoming you in Rasnov, to celebrate the official opening of the SCHUBZ Romania Educational Centre for Sustainable Development. During the event, our partners, sponsors and representatives of the local community will experience together with pupils of the Peter Thal School elements from the educational programs developed by the […]
150 experiments in nature – Another kind of School in Rasnov
During the “Scoala Altfel” week in Rasnov, between April 18 and 22, the team of the SCHUBZ Centre is conducting experiential programs in nature, with the pupils of the Peter Thal School. 150 children from grades II to V take part in classes outside school, experimenting nature elements by themselves. „We have three programs, […]
Schubz Romania for the first time at the Science Festival 2016
Science Days in Rasnov, 28.09 – 2.10.2016 SCHUBZ Romania is organizing Science Days in Rasnov, as part of the Bucharest Science Festival, the first festival in Romania dedicated to scientific and technological knowledge. The event is under the Highest Patronage of the Romanian President. For five days, children and teens from Rasnov can freely participate in […]
Summer School for educators in Romania
Joint work usually pays off. And when 10 people working in education get together to create something new and exciting for children, they take the joy and the most interesting facts and activities and share everything, including themselves, for a fun and rewarding program. This time the new program involved discovering the biology, ethology and […]